Why Vacuum Coating?

JH Analytical provides insight into using vacuum coating in sample preparation and EDS analysis.
Read our latest article to find out when you should use vacuum coating in your sample prep process!
Analytical Lab News & Updates

Sample Prep is So Important!
You must prepare the sample correctly if you desire a high-quality image on an SEM.
The Handbook of Sample Preparation for SEM and X-Ray Microanalysis a great resource to help you understand the methods and how best to apply them to your samples.
Current Promotions

HUGE Equipment Discounts
We are selling some of our existing instruments at huge discounts to make room for new lab equipment!
Polishers, grinders, sectioning saws, microscopes, SEMs, vision measuring, hardness testers, and more are available for purchase.
For a list of instruments and pricing, please visit our website.

Free Education is Available!
Check out our learning center to see how we improve sample preparation processes, including battery sample prep, handling delicate samples, effective ion milling, and more!
Our Mission
We will deliver quality sample preparation and analysis services, exceeding market turnaround times at a competitive price. The combination of these three factors provides you with the best value in the sample preparation marketplace.
Upcoming Events
- JAN 24-26 APEX Expo
- JAN 31-FEB 2 Photonics West
- FEB 7-9 MD&M West
- FEB 13-18 75th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences
- FEB 14-16 SMTA Wafer-Level Packaging Symposium
CONTACT US 408-436-6336 | info@jhtechnologies.com