From corrosion byproducts in cooling systems to free ions on PCBAs, contamination is an ever-present problem plaguing industries around the world. These unwanted foreign materials can lead to performance issues, malfunctions, or outright failures of entire systems.
In manufacturing, this could mean a downed assembly line. In the medical field, this could mean revocation of FDA approval. Identifying both the composition and source of a contaminant is critical to improving quality control, safety, and reliability.
JH Analytical Contamination Analysis Services
- Elemental Mapping and Quantification
- Optical Microscopy
- SEM Inspection
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Particle Size Analysis
- Solubility Testing
Related Contamination Analysis Tools
- ThermoFisher Apreo S Field Emission SEM
- Oxford Ultim Max 100 EDS Detector
- Leica DM2700M
- Leica DMi8