Due to sporadic shortages or heavy demand for high-value components and products, counterfeiting is a lucrative black-market business in which inferior products are marketed and sold as genuine products.
Counterfeit detection is aimed at identifying and preventing the use of imitation or substandard electronic components or products in manufacturing. It involves thorough inspections, often employing advanced techniques like X-ray imaging and chemical analysis, to scrutinize components for inconsistencies and irregularities. Counterfeit detection is essential to maintain the quality and safety of products, as subpar or counterfeit components can lead to performance issues, increased failure rates, and even safety hazards in various industries.
JH Analytical Counterfeit Detection Services
- Visual Inspection
- Laser Marking Analysis
- Surface Texture and Mold Mark Analysis
- Re-Balling and Re-Tinning Inspection
- Chemical Characterization
- X-Ray Inspection
- Black Top Analysis
Related Counterfeit Detection Tools
- Sensofar S Neox
- Leica DM2700M
- Leica DMi8
- ThermoFisher Apreo S Field Emission SEM
- Oxford Ultim Max 100 EDS Detector
- Leica ACE600